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Reflecting on what I wish I knew before getting married

1. Prepare as much as you can. Ask all the necessary questions. I personally didn't think in-laws would affect me that much, so I didn't focus on it. I really focused on us building a healthy marriage and preparing to be a wife. I think it's important to discuss expectations, boundaries, the extent of brokenness in the spouse's family and to ask as much as you can. I was personally caught off guard and didn't know the extent or how we needed to come through for my in-laws. And how I'd have to assist because they either didn't know or I'm just wired to figure things out and have a plan of action. Also consider well the family you marry into: 1. 1 What are their values and what informs them? 1.2  Who is God to them? 1.3 What role do cultural practices play in their way of doing things? 1.4 What role does each family member play and what role does your potential spouse play and how will that affect your marriage? 1.5 Are there outstanding duties
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April Reflections

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End-year reflections : Part 1

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29 Years of Grace - Part 3

19. Relationships with other people will often include misunderstanding and disagreements, but that doesn't mean we should give up. Sometimes folks  will make assumptions about us and will even seek to sabotage us, but God will see us through. God sees and often interferes. Human relations do hurt, more especially when you sacrifice so much and your motives are misunderstood. Through all of this, we should continue to pursue them for the good of mankind. Human connections require wisdom, grace and discretion from above. If we don't allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we are in danger of seeking to deal with those who hurt us with revenge. But when we surrender to Holy Spirit we are able to return hate with kindness, sabotage with patience and misunderstanding with grace. Ours is to guard our hearts as we navigate these connections. And remember to deal with others, with the same grace God gives us. 20. Comparison is a thief of joy. We often picture  a certain path for our lives,