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29 Years of Grace - Part 3

19. Relationships with other people will often include misunderstanding and disagreements, but that doesn't mean we should give up. Sometimes folks  will make assumptions about us and will even seek to sabotage us, but God will see us through. God sees and often interferes. Human relations do hurt, more especially when you sacrifice so much and your motives are misunderstood. Through all of this, we should continue to pursue them for the good of mankind.

Human connections require wisdom, grace and discretion from above. If we don't allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, we are in danger of seeking to deal with those who hurt us with revenge. But when we surrender to Holy Spirit we are able to return hate with kindness, sabotage with patience and misunderstanding with grace. Ours is to guard our hearts as we navigate these connections. And remember to deal with others, with the same grace God gives us.

20. Comparison is a thief of joy. We often picture  a certain path for our lives, atleast I did. And as I looked around those I had known I felt like a failure. But the more I focused on my own growth and excelling in my own line of work, I realized it is good to mind my own business. Sure, I can be happy for those who've succeeded but in my own way, I'm doing well too and there's a reason to be grateful. Gratitude and contentment are a good replacement for comparison. 

21. Doing one's best comes with satisfaction. There's joy in giving something our best. Mediocre isn't a virtue to emulate but daily we should give it our all. So that when we look back, we can be filled with joy instead of regret. Opportunities come and go, the important thing is when it's your shot, you give it your all. This means you'll have to sacrifice time, strength, your whole being. It's still worth it.

22. Obedience to God brings joy. We might struggle, need to put a fight and so much more; but it is safer to obey than rebel. Sin is not worth it.

23. We need to meet situations head on. Openness is required as we navigate life and we often have to communicate and make our stand clear.

24. Doing good should never be founded or rooted on seeking applause from others. It should always come from a place of love and honouring God. Even if it means never hearing a Thank you, continue. The change is happening.

25. Jesus is enough. He is all I need and He is enough for you too. He is a healer, provider, confidant, teacher, and so much more.

26. Any position we are called to fill is an opportunity to serve, not to exalt ourselves.

27. Respect yourself. Have boundaries. They'll save you from many a heartache. Be honest enough to say no. People pleasing isn't worth it. Respect other people's boundaries. Respect other people's feeling, spouses and choices.

28. Praying for others is a worthy cause. Let's lift our friends in prayer - even if they seem to be thriving. Let's hold those around us in prayer. Prayer is powerful.

29. When overwhelmed, remember its all about God and God's grace is enough.


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