Haha, I know I'm late but it's still early days. Well, April has been busy. It opened with us spending the Sabbath with my two nieces, whom we haven't seen for over six months and my nephew going to church for the first time.
This week also meant taking care of 3 kiddies: 4 y.o niece, 2 y.o niece and a 10 months old busy boy. In retrospect I've really loved the experience (even though nappy change is my least favourite task 😂). I've gotten tolerant though and I really thank God.
God has placed my need to pray more for others and extend the journey to others: So Prayer Connects has been founded and through God's grace, we'll continue till the end of the year. Overall, I'm thankful.
I had an amazing Sabbath - blessed by the music, message and fellowship.
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