All my learners did well, even the one in grade 1 (although I wish she repeats since she cannot read or write. She just knows answers). Apart from her, all are independent. The lowest mark in the class final exams in 62 % and there are more kids in the 80 - 100 % percentile.
I'm so proud of this year's grade 3s because they are the group that had to stop coming to school due to covid. I can positively say 5 / 7 of my grade 3s can read and write fluently in English , IsiXhosa and some Afrikaans. The two are perfect but with more assistance at home they'll go far.
In grade 2, I can safely say 7 / 10 can read and write fluently in English. And I'm excited to see them learn IsiXhosa and Afrikaans. We had started with IsiXhosa and had read IsiXhosa and taught the foundation - vowels and pronouncing alphabeths. And we've done two or three spelling tests. And without a doubt, they'll know how to read and write IsiXhosa by first term. And continue to grow. By the end of the year, I pray for fluent readers in every language.
In my grade 1 4 / 6 learners are fluent in reading and writing English and can work independently. Then there's the child who should've repeated grade R. The other learner isn't bad, but her reading isn't perfect and sometimes she struggles to get certain concepts and I wish she can come out of her shell. She's been able to verbalize when she doesn't understand stuff so I'm excited. Pity she's leaving because her sister was in grade 3. Our school starts from grade 0 - grade 3, so I understand the logic.
So, I'm constantly reflecting on what to do to imrpove. I know areas to focus on. And we've done some planning for next year and tomorrow we'll continue till next year. Overall, I look forward to vac. Work has had its challenges. Felt more like not being allowed to having a voice to a point where you start doubting what is right/ wrong in terms of teaching method.And constantly being told certáin things while I'm doing them. Reminded to tell the learners to eat healthy - I do. It can be discouraging when a superior only wants to see what you aren't doing. But I know my wins and how far my learners have come. I'm thankful to God for that.
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