Today was great and my feet are sore from today 😀. Above all else : Teaching is serving. And this means you'll sometimes miss out on moments because you've got to watch children play or take them to the bathroom. It takes everything.
We had the Grade R Graduation and it was amazing. Seeing how amazing these kids were and how much they've grown. I'm yet to see Grade R learners like ours 😀. I'm a proud of my colleague and what God has been able through her. We often chat about our frustrations - some learners take longer to adjust, some do have learning difficulties and behavioural problems. And we alwayd want to help each child individually. So, seeing each child develop is amazing.
The kids did speeches, verses, acted out a story, sang and danced. We had a lovely guest speaker who spoke and encouraged both kids and parents. Most specially, she interceded for the kids, parents and the school. Oh man what a special lady. She also gave the graduates gifts and gave us teachers her book that she's written. Oh wow! I'm in chapter 4 and there's so much introspection to do and I'm thankful for the book as it came at the right time.
Overall, a good day after a long, hard, heart-breaking year. God remains faithful. God is my strength.
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