Hey reader, I trust you are well. Let me start by welcoming you in my space. I hope you'll find it to be a safe space. So, I feel like this past month I've been struggling to breathe - so much workload. Anyway, that's always the case. But there's pressure to improve and do your best. I'm still a facilitator for grade 1 - grade 3 learners . So far I have 3 new learners. Two are in grade 2 and one is in grade 1. Two can't write much nor speak English. My biggest challenge has been the grade 1 learner who'd cry when she had to write. I requested for her report card and let's just say it was extremely bad. She didn't meet grade R requirements- hence she can't write, doesn't know alphabets, can't really colour, not familiar with simple words(sight words) like and, is, this etc. Besides being a Christian school, we emphasize on the three Rs - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Our kids write quite a lot. And I commend this - I'll explain in...
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