I'm struggling to deal with "constructive criticism" lately from person X. It's the manner in which X does it - condescending and a constant reminder that X is experienced and superior.
Why address the negatives with the need to remind me I'm not in the same calibre. It's discouraging and if I had resources I'd quit. It's the domineering attitude, not being mindful that we get tired and we have lives. It's tough.
I've been avoiding to cry. I was sharing this with my partner and poor thing doesn't understand how extreme it gets. I've been praying for X for almost four years and I don't think it's fair to dread my days because of X. It's mostly the attitude that X knows everything, X is perfect and X doesn't err.
I am tired. It's as if X finds joy in breaking you down. I hope my future doesn't feature X. I sense something off but time will tell.
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