I remember meeting one of my primary school techers a year ago or so. I'd often see him in church gatherings like Camp Meeting etc. He taught me in grade 5 - 7 and was one of my favourite teachers.
So, it happens that his older sister is one of the transport drivers in our school. So when he saw me he mentioned that he knew that I was teaching there and said to me: I can't believe you are a teacher. You never understood how others could struggle with understanding a concept.
I didn't take time to actually think about what he said. But, this year, I realized I was just so exhausted emotionally. And yesterday as we were having devotion; God convicted me as to why this was the case.
I was struggling to understand how certain kids couldn't get certain concepts. To me it seems obvious. But the words of my employer in a recent meeting were comforting and such an important reminder: children vary and they all have different learning styles and my duty as a teacher is to dig the gold in those learners who are struggling. Our greatest achievement is in developing those learners who struggle.
I need to write notes on what I'd like to achieve regarding these learners. But I really thank God for revealing this weakness in me. I'm really praying God will help me overcome and understand that generally we don't grasp things the same way and at the same time; hence repetition is so important.
There's so much heart work I need to do as I don't want my kids to doubt themselves because they are struggling to grasp something or they still need to learn how to do something.
Teaching really needs so much patience and LOVE. I really don't want to break these kids but I want them to run to Jesus as an enabler and enjoy learning. I also want to enjoy it more and not be overwhelmed at the amount of work or the challenges I face.
So I'm working hard on affirming the kids and motivating them.
I thank God for the progress. I just need to be patient and be understanding.
There's been days I felt like quitting. Deep down, I want to go back to school but there's so many factors that aren't allowing me. Sometimes, I feel so inferior. But I trust God to teach me so long.
A lot has happened whereby I've felt not good enough. I don't want to get into all the details but it's painful. But God is my strength and I'll not lose heart.
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