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Showing posts from November, 2021

Scattered thoughts around being spiritual vs being religious

 I've come across quite a number of people claiming they are spiritual but not religious and this has always baffled me. In my mind the two cannot be separated. I'm still to explore this topic, but thought I'd share as I learn. I've also noticed that, this phrase of being "spiritual" often means not needing to be bound by God's moral standard but simply having a relationship with God and going about living about your life. Or just acknowledging God is Lord but not living in light of this truth. But in all honesty, you (I) cannot sincerely have a relationship with God without  honouring Him. Obedience is part of the relationship. Here are some thoughts to reflect on:  Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. - James 1:27 True religion is obedience to ALL the commandments of God. - TDG 314  Religion does not consist in works, but religi...

Why positive narratives around marriage are important

1. Marriage is beautiful and God created the institution as means of refining character and blessing humanity. 2. Unfortunately, ever since sin entered and selfishness took precedence over our hearts, marriage has taken a knock. From Adam declaring "bone of my bones" to "this woman you gave me", the brokenness continues.  3. Most people have experienced brokenness due to their parent's broken marriages and sometimes this leaves deep wounds which sometimes lead people to conclude that marriage is bad. I was one of those and I had vowed I'd never get married.  4. We're exposed to so many negative marriages that society is slowly becoming immune to true love, often saying, "it will end in tears." 5. Most important of all, it is the most potent witness of God's power to bring light and healing in society.  6. By witnessing healthy marriages, we're encouraged that we too can have God- honouring marriages. Sometimes you even feel ...

New Month Reflections

1. It takes God, a parent and a teacher to effectively contribute in a child's life and all parties must be involved.  Teaching is beautiful and heart-wrenching. Heart-wrenching because parents can do so less and not even come up with ways to help their children. It comes across as "none of my business". My colleague and I  often laugh and say, if some parents could, we'd also be assisting their children with homework. There's more to it.  Sometimes it's seeing how difficult certain kids find to grasp things which you go over and over again and things they'd get if parents were consistently involved. Sometimes I think learning difficulties are not acknowledged by parents.  As a teacher you get appreciated and blamed. I was told if a child fails, it reflects on you. And at first, I believed this. But what about when you go all out and definitely see the results except for those two students? What about the meetings you've called and parents ...