Diary entry: 6 June 2021
I'm filled with gratitude as I think of how much God has done for my partner and I. Every experience we've had is a testament of God providing for us. Our relationship is a testament of prayer and a Father who cares about our happiness.
My partner and I are in a long distance courtship and we had been praying for provision and for God to open up a way for us to meet. And when Babalo told me he'd be coming this week, I didn't know how everything was going to play out, but I've seen God answering every prayer - from travelling mercies, quiet moments, good weather and so much more.
And as I reflect, on this fourth day, I'm filled with gratitude. I know we've both needed time to reflect on our journey, recommit, reaffirm and I'm so grateful.
Yesterday, we had a picnic and it was such a calm, beautiful experience which made me realize that, even those very seemingly "crazy" requests are God's pleasure. I honestly pray for everything - including my being able to serve, being gentle and all I need to be to my partner and I've seen God planting positive emotions and providing me with the longings of my heart through my companionship with Babalo.
Overall, our courtship has been a beautiful experience because Babalo is really intentional about making time and seeing me - a man after my own heart.
Yesterday he expressed sentiments I had while reflecting on our partnership - a relationship requires sacrifice.
I'm thankful for the many sacrifices on his side. I've been stretched, challenged and I'm definitely learning about the essence of love - which has little to do with sentimentalism but choosing and recommitting every day.
I'm just grateful that I'm fortunate enough to have a partner who's willing to put in the work, who is intentional about serving me and showing up for our relationship and this inspires me to give more of myself. I'm thankful for a healthy love where I don't have to sell my worth, compromise, have to beg and have sleepless nights.
This love, only cemented by God, has been so wholesome for me. Human love is not perfect, but God grows it and nurtures it when we individually surrender to Him.
Praying I look back at this post with the same gratitude and when I'm called to sacrifice, I'll not be hesitant.
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