If there's one thing about God that continues to amaze me, is how invested He is in molding our characters in His likeness. He will stop at nothing to consistently provide us with opportunities to overcome sin and character flaws, while granting us with all the strength and knowledge we need. The work I do in the Christian school I'm part of is challenging to the utmost. And what makes it more challenging is that I'm a sinner dealing with other sinners. So, I'm in constant need of God's grace and guidance (like we all are). In my case, I'm dealing with young minds and so they are impressionable. And that means I can do the greatest good or the greatest harm. It also means I'm tested severely, patient-wise (a glimpse of how I also test God's long-suffering). And at times, I might react unwise (and these are sins I have to confess and ask forgiveness to God and the children). Working with children exposes you to your evil heart more than anything and issu...