Over the years my understanding of the term excellence has changed. Excellence was often limited to the academic space since I was a student, but I've realised over and over again it extends to every area and mostly to the seemingly little things. To me, excellence means I write in full when speaking to someone via WhatsApp because I have the skill of writing. It also means I need to read a text before sending it (though I've recently started doing this). Excellence means as a teacher in church, I take a sincere interest in each child - I try to see if they are able to grasp a concept I'm trying to teach and when I see a child lose interest, I try to see how I can draw them back to listen, aware that they might not even be familiar with my way of teaching and there might be environmental factors. Excellence also means a taxi driver is mindful of the passengers - he drivers cautiously because the passenger's life is in his hands, so he won't text / answer calls; no...